Well, i told you guys i would release a first version of shade-c this week, so here it is:

shade-c version: 0.87 "FLU" BETA

I couldn't get everything done i wanted as i was (and still am) ill for the last couple of days, but some things are already implemented.

Current Features:
- High Dynamic Range Rendering
- Depth of Field with dynamic autofocus
- Easily attach more Post Processing Effects, set their mtl.skills and mtl.skins (works with the PPEs supplied with A7)
- Small library of ready to use Post Processing Effects (including heat haze, a toon- and sketch shader)
- Ready to use object shaders (including velvety, carpaint and a skin shader)
- lite-c only, no plugins are used
- easy integration

to do list:
- include dynamic hdr gamma correction
- include volumetric sunlight shader
- include volumetric particle shader
- get ambience occlusion to work
- include ambience occlusion shader
- add vecSkill vars to object shaders and write a function to easily set them
- clean up object shaders
- finish vector art shader and implement it
- add more shaders (let me know what you want):
+ "number 23"-like post processing effect
- finish manual
- fix bugs/make shade-c more user friendly/etc.
- everything else i forgot

Grab it here (There's also a compiled testapp)

I hope there aren't too many bugs in the code and typos in the manual.

Well then, enjoy and give feedback please

Shade-C EVO Lite-C Shader Framework