
no it's not. it uses no shaders. 3DGS can use shaders without use of plugins, and so it's a lie to say that this is the state of 3DGS technology while withholding eye-candy.

Well I have to support broozar here. This here isn't so much about shaders but about lightmaps. The 3DGS lightmapper just gives you such pitiful results while with gile[s] you can do very pretty things. It's not about shaders - it's about lightmaps. A reason why I couldn't understand the "resistance" against making all the UV-set things etc. available long time ago. The 3DGS lightmapper just can't be as good as a tool whose single purpose is doing lightmaps and has been under development for years. Even with nice thingies like finally having radiosity like it's said on the forecast won't make the 3DGS lightmapper even in quality, features or speed. I think that's also something nobody expects it to do...

Enjoy your meal