Please dont get DEX wrong. He uses A6 and is willing to upgrade to A7. He likes the speed-improvements.

But we all like good light and shadows as well
And the lightmapper of A7 is still experimental and has some issues.

Because of that I follow the development of ventilators plugin very carefully. I like this approach, I appreciate his great work and would like to play with it in the future.

What I am wondering is: performance of scene-management (indoor and outdoor) and the possibility to combine normalmapping with this plugin.
If this is available then I will make the next demo room to promote this tool-set from the bottom of my heart

Wetain also showed a few times how good this works with shader and even real-time lighting.

Could somebody please create a bundle of those different plugins, shaders, scripts and codes? I provide a demo and even a how-to-use-tutorial and ventilator can sell it to the public.

If that is not available then I have to strongly agree with DEX and Broozar: It is not quite easy to collect and use all these different plugins, scripts, shaders and tools.

Models, Textures and Games from Dexsoft