I only wish indie developers started making their OWN intellectual property instead of riding off commercial successes. I know you can't reinvent the wheel but you can at least try. What I really dont want to see anymore is:

space marines with football shoulderpads.

Horror FPS's.

next gen rolling ball physics games.

uninspired, unoriginal anime .

MMO's with fire, ice, earth magic! so unique!

japenese voice acting.

anything that uses the word "forerunner" in its story.

Next gen graphics for a shooter where staying still to actually see the graphics gets you killed.

Anything with normal mapped, specular mapped, super mapped CRATES. Crates and boxes are unoriginal, find something else to detail that hallway with.

Gigantic minataur monsters or demons that have normal mapped effects and specular maps.

physics games for the sake of it being a physics game.

theres alot more I just cant remember them now

You're not as unique as you think you are, try again.