Basicly,the system works like this : A player clicks for example on another player with the RMB. (RMB will be for trading,example only! Still deciding what the controls will be,I want RMB for first person for bows & crossbows) The client than sends object ID(the other clients ID) and interraction variable for trading (example 1). The server than sends a request for trade by that certain player by setting no more than 2 skills of the other client. If the other client accepts,sends an interraction variable for trade and an object ID of the other client. Now two of the clients want to trade with eachother...initiate script for trading (Waiting for 1 variable only,everything else will be done in the database...). If you prefer,I can give you the same example with casting a spell,opening a door or building a house. The building process will be with 6 variables. 1 for object ID '0' , 1 for building type (house,shop...) , 3 for pos of the building and one for pan.(No tilt). The highest data transfer will be when a client builds something. Everything else will be limited to state (attack,walk) , pos & pan updates. Health and stats of objects will be managed mainly thru the database with object ID,as you said. I think it'll work,what do you think ?

PS.: I'm almost at the movement code,figuring out input right now I tryed to add animations,but for some reason I can get eighter only client animations,or only server. Couldnt animate on both for some strange reason I'll have to try another way tommorow. Thanks for reading,and sorry if I'm boring with my endless questions,but thats the easyest way to learn...

Extensive Multiplayer tutorial: