I'm not using A7 yet,I'm waiting for it to become stable ,because of what I've heared A7 is a little buggy in C-Script
What I ment for the entities is...For example a player builds a house,the entity is created by the client,and the pos & 'player created' id is sent to the server. The server receives everything and creates the building at the certain possition,and assigns the ID to a certain skill,and also assigns a certain free pointer to it for later use (for example house1374). (This ID is the same as the players ID , wich is generated by the server when the game starts. It'll be stored in a database,and always be used for this certain client) Later , if I want to send data to the builder of this house , can I send it thru entity pointer 'house1374' instead of using 'playerxxx' pointer? Will the client receive the data?

PS.: After assigning the building a pointer all skills will be set to 'nosend',and a MySQL database will be used for updating periodicaly this building.(For example if a client is near enough to the house,it'll update for example every 4 seconds,thru the MySQL server for buildings).What I'm trying to do is to have the server update to the clients if a certain character is attacking a building,and send data to the client who created that building,but imagine I dont know his number,I havent assigned ID,it comes to sending the data to the client not thru the character of that client,but instead thru the pointer of that building...

Extensive Multiplayer tutorial: