Dont get me wrong,in about a month I'll have a computer connected to the net. Its only temporary...About the testing,I can get max 10 people for no-more than 15 minutes to test if it runs ok,but thats my maximum,without paying.
I remember what whas my second question,and I NEED answer because it'll save me atleast 2 days of testing,and playing with pointers.
I can send data to a certain client using his entity pointer on the server. Ok , thats for one entity. What if the client actualy created more entities,and I assigned each one of them pointers on the server,to keep track wich entities belong to that client. Can I send something to that client using each entity pointer,instead of using the first entity that the client created ? Or should I create an invisible,non-updating entity on the server for every client,and when I have to send something to that client,I should use that certain entity. I'm a little confused with the entity part in MP , but I'll try to get some movement in my chat room later,or tommorow.

PS.: Because noone will help me,I continued developing my concept,in Bulgarian. I now have all the numbers for the game , Items min/max damage, min/max character health and stats,all the spells and their statistics. How will the damage work,and how will the character absorb/evade/block damage. Explanations in each situation the client can get in I know what I'm doing...I just havent proven it to anyone...

Extensive Multiplayer tutorial: