i uploaded my example level with the default erp/cfm settings. just maneuver the ball to a wall and keep moving it into the direction of the wall. first it bounces a few times and then it should fall through the level after a certain amount of spin is reached. the spin doesn't have to be very extreme...

i move the ball by applying a torque but the strange thing is that when the ball moves by applying a central force it starts spinning too and falls through the level when it gets forced against a wall.

setting erp/cfm to 60000/0.01 reduces the problem to a minimum. the disadvantage is that these settings make the ball bounce a little more extreme when it intersects level geometry (overshooting?).

a ph command which allows individual entities to override the global erp/cfm settings would be helpful in my opinion. because i wouldn't need 60000/0.01 for every entity in this level.