



Nations are important to keep the society stable. One big society simply wont work.

Sub-nations are fine, just as long as there's one big "dictator" ruling them all... All peaceful off course.


Yea yea of course!.. Nations are pointless But..you could still call yourself British/American/Japanese.. just meaning you're from the Imperial Province of Britain/America/Japan .

One flag.. one sovereignty.. one body of armed forces.. but with retained ethnic background.. retained history.

Nations not needed .

Amen. Hahaha, oow that reminds me. No room for religions in such a world though. Personal beliefs are fine, but no group-hugging organized religions...


Yesh no more religions.. just a common pursuit of the abundant truth following the embracing of the fact we dont know the whole truths about things .
Once we find out things, we bow to that... but no more fighting and such over what we believe and dont know, like we do today.

"No more churches, no good books, no more preachers, dirty looks!"

I'm ICEman, and I approved this message.