Remember back in gradeschool, when they posed the question of what you'd do if you were president.. and had you write an essay or.. give a speech..?

Some of you said you'd end world hunger, some of you said you'd make marijuana legal (lol). Either way, a large variety of answers came to be, and you got to know how people viewed the world or what they held important in theirs.

Well.. in today's time.. the business world and more and more people are thinking less like nations and empires and more like a global community. Even so, leadership still determines the destiny of all within the world looking to it for guidance. Even so, issues exist, and it's leadership's job to address and amend those issues, along with making progress.

As you you probably can tell, I've given alot of thought to the inquiry. I have my own answer(s) to the question, even. But I was curious what everyone else thinks.. SO. As my topic's inquiry.. complete the sentence:

"If I ruled the world..."

I'm ICEman, and I approved this message.