If you want to have all of the defines to solve any issues here they are, I apologize that I didnt include them to begin with:

#define ITEM_TYPE skill1
#define WAIST 1
#define ONE_HAND_WEAP 2
#define OFF_HAND 3
#define HEAD 4
#define LFOOT 5
#define RFOOT 6
#define LSHOULDER 7
#define RSHOULDER 8
#define RWRIST 9
#define REAR 10
#define CHEST 11
#define RHAND 12
#define RRING 13
#define UPPER_LEG_ACC 14
#define MASK 15
#define KNECK 16
#define RANGED_WEAP 17
#define AMMO 18
#define LEAR 19
#define BACK 20
#define LWRIST 21
#define LHAND 22
#define LRING 23
#define WAIST_STOR 24
#define LEGS 25

You will still need to add the info to the big function like i showed in the previous post.

you can find me with my face in the keyboard, unshaven, listening to some nameless techno tragedy, and hashing through code over a cold cup a stale joe. __________________________________ yours truly