Okey! Now it is time to relies the game! ^^
The game is controlled in the following way:

Forward: W
Backward: S
Turn Right: D
Turn Left: A
Strafe Right: E
Strafe Left: Q
Run forward: Shift + W
180 degree turn: Shift + S
Look around: mouse
Mouse sense up: 9
Mouse sense down: 8
Climb: Auto, just walk towards a wall or height

Change weapon to pistol: 1
Change weapon to shotgun: 2
Aim: Right Mouse
Shot: Left Mouse
Reload: Aim + R
Aim With grenade: G
Pick up items: Walk over them

How stuff works:
The zombies will slowly begin to rise one after another, but when you reach 333 in score all zombies on the map will rise at the same time.
You get points from killing zombies and shooting cans, you also get extra 11 points from shooting a headshot.
Zombies are mindless, so it is easy to evade them one by one, but they will always continue to rise, so don’t stand on a pile of them.
The zombies have various hit locations and reacts different on al locations and take different damage.
The first numbers on the screen are the players hitpoints, the ones below is the late shitted zombies hitpoints, the last numbers are your current score.
Zombies will climb on each other, so don’t think that a high point is a invincible cover.
There is various powerups/items on the map, but only a specified number of them can be on the map at the same time.
The reload system for the shotgun is little special, because if you just press the reload once it will reload one shot and then stop, but if you hold it down it will continue to reload as meny as you have left and that the shotgun can take. A shotgun can hold 5 shots and will run out of ammo if you don’t gather more, the pistol can hold up to 16 bullets and has unlimited ammo, but needs reloading.
Finally, the score is changed when the match is over, and how it changes depends on how many zombies that was allowed, if you have many zombies it will increase and if you have less zombies it will decries, the amount of items on the level will also depend on the zombie count.
The highscore will be saved when the scoreboard is viewed, and if you would like to try one more time just press enter.

And one last thing, the grenades have a REAL place holder model, so it is a white and blue cylinder.

That’s all! Here is the game! Have fun and post your score and compete!

__________________________________________________ / Gafgar The Goblin... http://www.Goblinsoftware.tk/