Keep in mind, this was never meant to be seen and is just me tinkering with this 2D/3D look about 4 years ago. This is just a the 3D WED window:

The lamp post is waaay out in front of the building, so there's some semi-forced perspective tricks to get some nice parallax scrolling effects when the camera moves around. If you're familiar with how they made those incredible "sets" in the original 1933 King Kong then that will give you an idea. There's also another layer behind the camera in this shot which is what the camera would show if you clicked Options. The camera would glide back. If you clicked Play it moved towards one of the windows where the game would start.

Anyway, most of the visible faces are the camera facing ones. There are a few sides of certain blocks showing (like the side walk sides) but it's mostly simulated 2D. There were also white windows in each of the now empty window spaces.

The huge area of blackness around the level is intentional. This was going to be a stylized level where you only saw what was important and the rest kind of faded out into darkness. It would have been tweaked of course and the level art would have been consistent with whatever you call my usual style. I also attempted to simulate shadows using special blocks with dark textures. You can see this on the lamp post pole and the shadow under the light itself.

Here's a close up of the sidewalk. I was experimenting with simulating a thick and thin line kind of like an ink pen except using blocks:

Anyway, I'm coming back to this technique only this won't involve something I slapped together in less than a couple hours. BTW, those white blocks are just camera controls.

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