
As many of you are already aware....I am both an imbecile and a moron. And, worse, yet I am an indecisive, burnt out, wannabe game designer with game as art ambitions and strong opinions regarding this and that and everything in between.

Now, with that bit of sarcasm out of the way....

I'm back where I belong. There's nothing wrong with where I went, but my momentary lapse in judgment has now passed, so for the second time I will continue on with this bugger using 3DGS.

Wow, back within two days? Sweet! [sarcasm]Wintermute can't be thát bad, right? [/sarcasm]


No, actually there's nothing wrong with WME. It's an excellent engine.

Good to hear that, perhaps I'll use it too one day. I've made a Max Payne 1 mod based around Full Throttle and I have some vague plans of converting it to 3dgs or WME,


PHeMoX, Innervision Software (c) 1995-2008

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