All right, a very quick update. I'll be passing off one of the main structures to the texture guy, and then we'll just have to see what happens. If you recall that apartment hallway with the arches, from many many months back, it's that one although with an exterior and tweaked on the inside. Of course, it'll be fully textured instead of my tonal style. I still like that, but I'm bored with it and it's a bit too esoteric to continue with, although maybe here and there.

I'm having to actually work within fixed sized geometry, so I'm having to alter my usual way of working. It wasn't an issue using 16x16 flat color textures.

Here's a piece of sloppy, gel pen on legal pad concept art. I like it, although I'll Disenfranchise style it up when I finish the first pass. That water tower will be a lot bigger, and there sure are a ot of stairs in this frickin' city.

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