It's been a long while, but perhaps it's time for a small update. Some have probably already figured it out, but the project never left 3DGS. There was nothing wrong with WME, but I miss the freedoms of realtime, and the game I've been pounding on forever will be best experienced in that way. Someday, though I'll probably work with that engine.

The Brat site is long out of date, but it is going to be getting an overhaul. The colors and graphics will remain unchanged(except for some tweaking), but the layout will be changed and it will be much more accessible and mainstream in nature. I pretty much know what I'm going to do, and it's just a matter of me to stop being lazy. The game site has been reverted to a teaser and will remain that way until I decide to relaunch the PR machine. It'll probably remain as it was, designwise.

I've done next to nothing in the past few months, on level design, but have been working almost exclusively in c-script. I've mananged to complete most of the tasks I have planned, but I have a few still remaining(like this). There was also a bit of burnout during this time, but I've pretty much gotten back into the swing of things.

My main goal, at the moment, is to have an actual "game" running when I test. That means, a frontend, a UI, semi-complete player animation and physics code, gameplay/mechanics options, all hotkeys and ingame menus in place, and a few other "global" features(meaning not level specific but game specific). A lot of this is in place, but needs polishing, tweaking, and tender loving care.

My secondary goal is to have this thing done by this time next year. That's not going to be set in stone, but I'd like for it to happen. Once I get these basic scripting duties out of the way, it will be time to get serious with level design, again, and more than likely I'll need a modeller/animator to help me out on that end. I'm not too concerned about that, as of yet.

Enough jabbering...back to work.

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