
Which wall/camera was a problem? To my knowledge, I fixed all of those. Actually, there's one angle in level 1 where the camera will move into a wall, but that is because I have collision detection disabled on that particular orbit camera.

As for how I will handle enemies..you're right..that is one of the trouble areas of these types of games. I am going to implement some kind of lock on system and the camera will change to a more standard 3rd person camera in these situations. Kind of like a Zelda lock on. I already have the code that will achieve this(the lock on), but have yet to apply it. This will come much later, most likely.

I checked it again. I have pictures of the exact place but I have no web space at the moment and one cannot attach pictures into a PM so I try to explane
If you go right from the big square and pass the funny shaped "pillar" You come to a well lit house (only one floor) and face the wall just on the left side of the door you "see through the wall". For some reason it changes camera. Sorry about my bad English. I've got the pictures anyway if my "map reading" doesn't make any sence.

The only place where success comes before work - is dictionary.