Great! Thanks.

I'll release a MinGW compiled version on thursday. I've also started on RPCs and if there are no difficulties, I should be able to deliver an update on thursday or friday.


It loads for me too. But I have the same Malfunction 50 Window, as you can see at log from D3D

Yes this is expected behaviour. I use that for output. The function that is in the plugin returns 50 and I use the error() function to output it. This means the test plugin (which is not RakGS!) works on your system.


Question. Am I supposed to learn RakGS with Lite-C or do I need to wait until you release new compiled beta in the near future? Also it will feature Lite-C not just C-Script right!?

In fact, RakGS only works with Lite-C. You can start using the RakGS that is online right now, with the vcredist.exe. On thursday I'll release a version that doesn't require the vcredist, but it will be functionally equivalent to the current build. Then I'll release new versions with more functionality. I'm pretty sure it will be possible to keep the plugin backwards compatible.

Last edited by Excessus; 06/19/07 19:38.