Just saw you edited your post, so here is my answer.


Also about those two missing files especially EFSADU.DLL (File Encryption is used by the Encrypted File System EFS. This is used for encrypting files or directories in Windows 2000 and above). You said they are belong to Windows XP Professional. Does this mean that encryption feature from RakGS is only available when the end-user is running Windows XP Pro? Sorry if I misunderstood.

No, the encryption doesn't rely on EFSADU.dll. It got in the dependency list through ws2_32.dll. My project depends on winsock (ws2_32.dll), and winsock depends on many other dlls. Winsock or one of the dlls winsock depends on may have a line in them that loads a dll. But this line may be in a function that is never called, or inside an if like "if(running vista) dll_load(dwmapi.dll); else dll_load(whatever.dll);". This is enough for depends.exe to list it as a dependency but this is not an actual dependency and turned out to have nothing to do with the problem.