Your suggestion didn't worked for PC2. There isn't even a error message displayed if I write a false name for the DLL. Like dll_open("ImFake.dll");

The diagnostic application output looks a little different for PC2 then it does for PC1. Beside the missing DLL there are more details for PC2 at the end of the log after the application is closed, as you can see in the logs above.

PC1 has installed

+ Windows XP Home Edition SP2
+ Pentium Dual Core 2,6ghz
+ 1 GB memory
+ Geforce7

+ GameStudio 6.60
+ GameStudio 7.03
+ Lite-C 1.03
+ VC2005
+ Bloodshed DEV C++
+ Delphi compilers
+ Windows 2003 Platform SDK
+ .NET 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0
+ DirectX SDK
+ DirectX 9.0c

PC2 has installed <-- test system

+ Windows XP Home Edition SP2
+ Celeron 2,4ghz
+ 512 MB memory
+ Ati 9250

+ Lite-C 1.03
+ .NET 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0
+ DirectX 9.0c
