
I see RakGS.dll is loaded when I run the server executable or from Lite-C SED, but not when client is run.

Then we have found the reason for the crash. If the plugin isn't loaded you will be calling an empty function pointer when calling a RakGS function. This always causes a crash. I find it very strange, though, that the IP address in the connect call has influence on this..

Now we have to find out why it isn't loaded. Could you check what is inside server.wdl and client.wdl? Both should contain "plugindir = ".";". This file does not have to be included anywhere, but it MUST be named "server.wdl" and "client.wdl" (same name as the .c files).

Do you have a RakGS.dll in both folders?

Could you try to use dll_open (STRING* pathname), and see if that works. (Also check the return value).

EDIT: I just figured, the change in IP address is not causing the crash, it is the fact that you would then run it on the same PC. What happens if you run the server on the other PC? Does it crash right away then? I can imagine that there is a problem with loading plugins on one of your PCs. I've heard about similar problems with gamestudio before.

Last edited by Excessus; 06/14/07 15:13.