no, i quickly did the complete test model in blender but the latest MED (the free lite-c one) could have been used too since it can do automatic atlas mapping now.

with different uv-maps the number of vertices will be different in the directx meshes (not in most model formats) but this doesn't matter for my second uv-set plugin. it can handle that. only the positions of each vertex of the corresponding triangles have to be the same.

i did some more experiments with my ingame light mapper. i am not sure yet how much work it will be and if the achievable quality will be good enough (c_trace inaccuracies,...) but maybe this really could turn into a complete light mapping solution which offers a nicer workflow than: adjust lights in WED->map compiler->check lighting in engine->adjust lights in WED->...

<edit>my ingame light mapper now features automatic uv-map generation! you just have to load your level with your models and it automatically does the rest. no need for manually preparing light map uvs.

it seems to work quite ok already:

...but adding a gui for light editing and so on will be a lot of work and i don't know when i will have the time... it also still lacks proper lighting equations, support for different light types, global illumination (i have some ideas how this could work ), there still are a lot of inaccuracies to fix,...</edit>