Works great. Thanks again for your awsome work.
Some things wich came up during my playing around with your plugin were, that it gives a crash if I send an empty string, the client sometimes crashes randomly with a "Problembericht senden?"-Message and I´m not ably to create more then thousand global entities. Even if the server deletes all, when there are more than 800. The client gives the error message "GSTNet: more than 1000 global entities"
after creating 1000 entities. If I restart the client I can create again 1000 entities and then I´ll get the error message again.

The server executes this function since gamestart:

entity* Temp_ent;
function RemoveLine()
if(num_entities > 500)
you = ent_next(null);
temp_ent = you;
you = ent_next(you);


Here is a picture of my application running over the internet. The screenshot was made from the server. (Thanks to rvL_eXile for testing it with me )