From what I gather from your responses and others, there are two options:

You have a LAN address (192.168-ish for example) and a WAN address (222.222-ish for example) on the same computer. In other words you are multi-homed. In this case you CANNOT set the IP... it will automatically default to the LAN number. Maybe if you have a public class-c address lower than, 3DGS might pick it up but I'm not sure. To solve disable the LAN connection, start 3DGS server, then re-enable the LAN connection.

IF on the other hand you have a router in between your server and the world, then the server will always default to the private addy (192), the clients will always connect to the public addy (222 or whatever) and your router is going to have to do the translation between public and private (NAT, port forward, DMZ).