I believe in God.

Here's some reasons why.

The universe can either a. exist or b. not exist. But it exists. Which proves nothing yet. However, the universe hasn't existed forever, which means it has had a cause. That cause cannot be natural, because any natural cause would be part of the universe which then means that the universe exists, and you're saying that the universe created itself at that point. So at the very least there is a creative "something" that caused our universe to be. And based on the fact that there was a cause, this "something" MUST be above and beyond our universe, which includes time, etc.

There are some clues that this "something" is personal.

1). The finely-tuned nature of the universe leads me to believe that something personal "chose" this universe.
2). Information doesn't spontaneously arise. This means that the information on this planet: DNA, came from a source with the intent of creating it. That intent gives me more clues that this creative "something" is personal.
3). Information, when transmitted over and over, does not change into anything meaningful. It gets garbled, to put it one way. So whether or not the earth is old, evolution couldn't have happened. Furthermore, this means that all organisms have their origin in some versions of themselves that were at least "more perfect" than current genomes. All of this provides further clues about the personal nature of this "force".

Where this leaves me, is at some form of deism. Since this thread isn't about why I'm a Christian, I'll stop here.

Last edited by Irish_Farmer; 05/14/07 20:46.

"The task force finds that...the unborn child is a whole human being from the moment of fertilization, that all abortions terminate the life of a human being, and that the unborn child is a separate human patient under the care of modern medicine."