
Well, sometimes it's best to deal with crazy people before they do something stupid. I think the world should have learned it's lesson with Hitler.

I dont think Hitler was really that crazy, he was only a product of his environment. Racial eugenics was prevalent in Germany from the turn of the 20th century. Scientists which had already embraced ethnic cleansing from Darwinism had propagated the ideas which led to Auschwitz. The entire German way of thinking needed to be dealt with, not just Hitler, Hitler was only a poster boy for those ideas.

I wouldnt blame Hitler for the Holocaust, I would blame Darwin, evolutionary ethics, and the culture of death which existed in Germany at that time. It is the same de-valueing of life which has led to the "silent holocaust" we know as abortion today.

Likewise, this Iranian President is just a reflection of Iranian ideology as a whole.

I think the issue in this thread is not IF there will be a conflict with Iran, the question as it stands is WHEN. Because unless some core ideas are changed across the world in Arab, Jewish and American thought, the conflict is absolutely inevitable.