
Well, sometimes it's best to deal with crazy people before they do something stupid.

So what about a preemptive strike on, letīs say, Switzerland. They havenīt done "something stupid" recently, but you never know ...
But on the other hand, there are no oil springs in Switzerland.


I think the world should have learned it's lesson with Hitler.

Sure. And they are so simple ...

Everyone who doesnīt agree with the next "preemptive strike" must be either
a) the next Hitler.
b) be the next Chamberlain.


This looks like it's an conversion where some think Iran's leader is a bit crazy ...

Guess youīre talking of the guy with the complicated name. Unfortunately you still did not convince me, that he is

a) Iranīs leader (see my previous post)
b) crazy.

He made some highly provocative statements. Far less provocative, than the propaganda version, but nevertheless not really helpful.

My biggest problem however is: thatīs what our (western) leaders do all the time. Hereīs a recent example from a US presidential candidate:


‘Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran.’
Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) in South Carolina: “Another man — wondering if an attack on Iran is in the works — wanted to know when America is going to ’send an air mail message to Tehran.’ McCain began his answer by changing the words to a popular Beach Boys song. ‘Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran,’ he sang to the tune of Barbara Ann. … He stopped short of answering the actual question.”


Will there be the same outcry in the western media about this? Something like: Senator Mc Cain favours genocide!!! No? I also donīt think so.


... and another side who support him, and don't mind him or want him having nukes.

There is a subtle difference between supporting someone and wanting "him having nukes" on the one hand and my humble attempt to clarify some misconceptions on the other hand.

To be clear about this: my trust in the human mind in general is very limited. I do not like to see human beings playing around with nukes and such stuff.
But before we demonize and threaten those who havenīt such toys, maybe we should be a little bit concerned about those who have?


It also seems like the latter half denies that Iran or it's populace have any problem with the Jewish peoples occupying Israel.

Why? Because I gave some information about the background of Memri?
Because I have learned - one of the "lessons of Hitler", btw. - that

propaganda != truth

The simple answer here is, that - after decades of war - Israel is indeed not very popular in the Arab and to a large extent in the wider Muslim world.
And of course vice versa - the Arabs are not very popular in Israel.
I donīt think however, that another war will make Israel - or the US - more popular.

Apart from this I understand both positions.

Itīs true, however, that I do not belong to the Christian Zionist school of thought:


According to author Grace Halsell, Christian Zionists believe that "Every act taken by Israel is orchestrated by God, and should be condoned, supported, and even praised by the rest of us."


I also donīt think, that we should actively work for Armageddon.


As well, basing Iran's capabilities and intentions to attack off of it's History is a bit foolish ...

Thatīs why itīs so important, that we launch a massive attack on Switzerland, because they didnīt attack someone in the past. This shows, how dangerous they are ...


Don't let your hate of the Republicans, Bush, Jewish peoples, or America get in the way of proper thinking here.

Oops. I didnīt know, why I should hate so many people ...

a) America. I often try to convince myself, that Americans in general are better and wiser than Europeans, that they use their great power with more care and more restrictions. But unfortunately they seem to be just common human beings making all the mistakes that previous empires also made.
But I am aware, that a growing number of Americans - if not a majority - doesnīt like anymore, whatīs being done in the name of America.

b) Jewish Peoples. I already admitted, that I do not belong to the Christian Zionist movement, but thereīs really no reason for me to hate them. Unlike the US, they have some very good reasons to be a little bit paranoid about their neighbours.

c) Itīs really great, that in America presidents can only be elected twice.

d) Republicans. Considering the above statement by Mc Cain, maybe they should spend some time in opposition, just a few years, so that the Democrats can clean up the mess.

A final and important note to all citizens of Switzerland, who might have read this:
Whenever I mentioned Switzerland in this context - I know, I shouldnīt have done this - it was just by accident. I could have also mentioned many other countries or even some planets from outer space.