
I like simple conversations where at least most of the information is based on fact or writings or even proven history.

Writings are not facts, nor proven history and I haven't come across any real 'facts' just yet when it comes to the talk about religion from the Christian side, so what exactly are you aiming at here and what do you expect?


I respect any information you provide that comes from a good source unless otherwise noted by "imo". :-)

My original point back when I brought up the problems with e-sword was the fact that you people put way to much faith in websites like answeringgenesis.org and programs like e-sword. Contrary to what you believe you can't "study" with that program at all, you can only base conclusions on what that program provides you with. If there are multiple errors in it, in fact some very similar errors like you can read on some pro-Christian sites, the integrity is gone. Everyone here will agree that most of the 'answeringgenesis.org' clones are rather crappy as source and if that's your idea of a 'good source' then I can and will stop talking right now. We've refuted all arguments that ever came from such sites, there's really a lot of nonsense on these sites. I know plenty of Christians who never ever would even bring up such sites in a serious discussion, yet creationists tend to use those sites over and over for some reason..


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