
If you telll another human, then everyone will think you are crazy.

probably because of the total lack of evidence.... People today are such sceptics. I don't understand why when you tell them something, or the Bible tells them something, they don't believe it right away, but they need to explain everything..


It's like if your child insist on walking in front of a train. Would you let them do it?

No, but I'd never promise my child THAT much of free will. But God does.. He doesn't say... "You're Free to do Anything!... apart seeing deamons.. of course.."

All I'm saying is, I'd like to hear their side of the story for once.. It always seemed to be about, God told me this, God showed me that... no-one really cared about what Satan has to say... maybe he's not all bad, who knows..

Ran Man, I figured out how you could cash in on your Deamon Vision, if you could hopefully get it back.. Apply for Randi's contest, and claim you can see through things. Have them show you things behind a curtain, and then make the deamon look around the curtain and tell you what they are! It's unbeatable! And also, requires no tecnological background! Any dumb-witted deamon could do that!

Tell me how it goes!

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