" I realize what I said, I dont think you realized it though."

No you didn't
Simply ,you, creationits are so fanatic , that you did not even realize that you are fighting against your own religion

Devolutionism...my God

There are also scientific evidences in favour of the existence of a creator while evolutionism itself does not exclude a creator

1) The big bang

An origin suggests a creator

2) The " first 3 minutes "

The original "magma" could turn into atoms and molecules etc
just in case a lot of parameters were set with a very narrow tollerance range

3) The primordial form of life

While evolution is out of discussion the first living being can not be the result of the evolution for obvious reasons
A rough form of organization was necessary
Pure chance can not definitly produce something capable of evolving

Not to mention that 1) and 2) greatly reduces the amount of time at disposal

3) Coscience and intuition

Our brain was supposed to be a sort of super computer
but it is not like that
It is something substantially different

By the way, I think that sooner or later science will solve also above problems but I must admit it is just an emotional attitude

Last edited by AlbertoT; 04/21/07 13:37.