
Noone with half a brain is going to accept this as truth just because you say so. Take a minute, find a source, read a book, get something specific.

About elephants and mice
In Africa there is a small mammal , its scientific name is "Elephantulus Edwardii "
The name was given because this small animal is fitted with a proboscis

Obviously zoologists did not even dream any links with elephants even though some other similarities had been already noticed

When molecular comparison became available , researchers were astonished

The genoma of this small mammals is much more similar to the one of the elephant than the one of mices as well as of other small mammmals

Of course you can claim that there is one only designer, the most likely hypothesis is however that the Elephantulus and the Elephants have the same origin
The point is that dimensions are definitly not a key factor as far as evolution is concerned,for the simple reason that a step by step dimension modification is hardly noticiable

Even someone with half brain can grasp this simple concept , the point is that this guy must have at least half brain