
the notion of dinosaur mass extinction comes only from the fossil record...don't you and other creationists reject the fossil record? If not, why are some parts reliable and not others? Are only those parts of the record that go against your narrow interpretations of history wrong?

We are trying to understand it just like you BUt we wont make absolute_truth out of speculation.


don't you and other creationists reject the fossil record?

Christianity (and other religions) is a faith which has nothing to do with physical observation. I dont believe in God because of my knowledge of the fossil record. I beleive in God because of "ideas" which are observable, yet not directly observable. 'Ideas' can only be observed through the actions they produce in people and events. That is the Christian's science. Faith itself is one of these 'ideas'. Within Christianity there are 'ideas' which are so strong that they are 'alive', God is one of these ideas. That is about the best explanation I can give to someone with a purely naturalistic, materialistic, deterministic viewpoint such as yourself. I dont think you will ever understand Christianity otherwise. Of course I could elaborate on this much further but it seems to be the topic of another thread.


It doesnt seem likely that terrible diseases like plague and typhus are caused by tiny invisible creatures...how can a tiny animal hurt a big animal like that?

Pretty easy to observe those little baddies, just use a microscope. I have never had a problem with this likelihood.


While it is true that most dinosaurs do disappear at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary, this doesnt mean much for the bird evolution question as the development/evolution of the avian line had already taken place by the time of the K-T boundary.

Actually that is contradictory to Phemox's idea of catacylsmic environment changes which bring cataclysmic changes, you are back to square one with gradualism again and the pervading question of why the trex would need to evolve to a bird? If there is no reason for selection to occur it does not occur. However, Phemox is giving an accurate reflection of Neo-Darwinism, and a phenomena called punctuated equilibrium.

The dinosaurs dissappeared quickly? Why? There is one theory which Phemox is reflecting which seems to at least show an evolutionary result.

With your avian line being evolved before the dissappearence of the dinosaur there becomes no reason for the dinos to evolve into birds.

You see the problem? It is kind of a tautology at this point.

Of course this all presupposes that mutation can even cause this kind of changes which clearly it cannot. Natural selection can only select for genes which exist in it's gene pool. How did the genes get there to begin with?