
The entire dino to bird thing is stupid. Basically they have two un-explainable facts that they need to put together:

1)There is no account of the origin of birds
2)The dino's dissappeared all at once

Someone with very weak logical skills has tried to connect these two facts. If you can beleive that then they can pretty much get you to believe anything.

1.) That's not true at all, there are dozens of fossils of dinosaurs with birds traits, even right up to having feathers and being able to fly.

2.) Most dinosaur species went extinct indeed around that one moment (probably a meteor), others did probably follow soon after because of the global change of climates/habitats, but a lot of species actually survived. Wether this means the 'bird-dinos' were already enough steps evolved to survive loose from their dinosaur ancestors is very likely. If you're thinking about T-rex-sized birds, that's not what they were, infact after the meteor mostly mammal species and small species survived. A bird or rather a chicken-like species would almost have the best chance to survive in a post-meteor impact environment.


PHeMoX, Innervision Software (c) 1995-2008

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