@ Gunplay

I like humor and you can see some in my new game screenshot below.


I'm not ignorant at all, but I think you guys are missing the point.

Robotronic has pointed out lots of good and valid things.
Thank you for that.

He points out that certain verses are for certain time frames in the Koran. He correctly points out that the Sura 9 passage was for the ancient Romans.

I do agree with him and believe that also.

So, when the Koran says in Sura 9 for example:
"Slay the idolaters wherever you find them" Well that was also meant for an ancient people too.

The only problem is...
It does not actually say that in the Koran. The targets of violence is not NAMED in the Koran, and therefore is left up to the reader and whoever comments on it.

In contrast, the bible does name its targets in the book, so no commentator can say otherwise.

I'm not comparing the two religions, but only talking the difference in the holy books.

I just think it is interesting, that's all.
Isn't it interesting when a holy book says "KILL THEM!" over and over and it is left up to commentators to decide who THEM actually is?
Interesting huh?

Oh well, nice talking with you guys...

Cougar Interactive
