Matt try the following; check you graphics card settings and make sure it's set at 'let the application decide' when it comes to anti-aliasing, with 3D gamestudio this will mean no FSAA -> start any 3d gamestudio game (should not use sphere or render_view.dll or it will crash) -> minimalize it or use windowed mode -> change your graphics card settings to anti-aliasing 6x or something by default -> the game you are running will now have anti-aliasing enabled.

It's not possible to do this change while the engine's renderer is running together with the render_view.dll, i've tried it out, but I get the following errors:


Malfunction W-2113929204

Unnamed Error No. -2113929204
| ok | cancel |


Error E1513
Crash in render_backbuffer

So ... perhaps it is possible, somehow,


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