Hello first,
The plugin is as good as finsihed, 1 or 2 months would be enaugh. It got much bigger than I expected and than populace.

Now the less good note. I thought 1 year ago that I could sell my plugin, integrate it in my customers system and then buy a 100€ RakNet license for every custormer because my plugin is not a wrapper but a complete system. Well, I should have asked Rak'kar first (the creator of RakNet). He disagreed my suggestion and told me that I would have to buy the 5000€ engine license to resell RakNet as it is. As you can image I can't even spend a small amount of this price.

So the official work on this plugin stopped yesterday. Now I search for a sponsor to pay the money in exchange that I can finish the plugin. You will get the money back for sure (if I can sell this much copies) and you have access to the soucecode. If you are interested PM me or message me ICQ: 3491114Two.

Thanks for your interest,