debug shows that sphere looks in right position...
red line is looking straight ahead, so problem isnt here

so, i'd try to explain problem more exactly:
- i press W, body moves forward...
- if i allow body to stop, and then press A, body strafes normal
- BUT if i dont allow it(for example, press W, press A, unperss W), body moves forvard-left... it's looks like forward force still working, but

vec_set(temp_vec,vector(MH.keyX*100, MH.keyY*100,-mass*5));

and MH.keyX = (key_pressed(17) - key_pressed(31));

so, force =0, if W isnt pushed...
thats main trouble :-(

anyway, ventilator, thank you very much for help... i'd add you to credits :-D

Last edited by VeT; 11/04/07 20:09.

1st prize: Lite-C and Newton 2.17 by Vasilenko Vitaliy

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