First of all, thank you so much for creating this possibility to fully use newton.dll with lite-C!

I have a question regarding time slicing:

To set a time slice of TIME_SLICE seconds, I changed your NewtonUpdate call loop, in newton.c, to read:

	while(newton_running) // newton has to update every frame
NewtonUpdate(nworld, TIME_SLICE);

(In my case TIME_SLICE was 1/180 s)
The rationale is that the simulation should advance 1/180 seconds at a time, every 1/180 seconds.

Is this approach correct? For me, this resulted in increasingly slow movements, as I reduced TIME_SLICE. The fps, however, stayed the same.

Why does the increase in the sampling frequency of the newton physics simulation seem to interfer with the game speed?

What can i do to correctly implement time slicing?

I'm also having a problem of projectiles crossing walls, even with newton refresh rates of 1/256 s-1.i The only workaround to problems like this is to decrease to further TIME_SLICE, right?

Thank you for your effort!