Hello, and thank you for your answer HeelX,

I have seperated the Logo and the splash. Therefore 2 images. The electric bulb (Logo) is without ice-cubes. The cubes are second-ranked in my opinion. The logo on its own, the electric blub, should work.
The idea with the ice-cubes is from Timo. First I though that this is nonsense to but after a short time I liked and designed it.
An important point is:
the most editor-splashscreens are using wireframes of their artworks and so on. Everything nice, but I've seen it over 100x times. Thats why I like the other concept. Btw actually there is a small interpretation-freedom: "Hot engine needs cooling", "broking ice", "melting the ice" etc.
You're right with your Design checklist, but sometimes the unexpected is what you remeber most. Or could you find a equal point between an apple and computers?

This discussion here shows me that there are many extremly different opnions.. Maybe thast not too bad

Best regards,

Last edited by SFMAT4; 02/04/07 11:30.