HeelX, in your last entry game engine is wrong ...(?) "gesperrt". The spaces between the letters in the words are bigger as the spaces between the two words, even more tricky: game ends with 'e' and engine starts with 'e' so you have to make a espacially big space between the two words. The way it is now it looks very strange. The 'e e' is very dominating. And I am not sure if the emboss(relief) is useful. Nice design. Very good as your others. The box on the left reminds me a little of a toybox. Maybe you can expand that idea - that many game related stuff spreads out of the box in simple symbols or something like that (items, weapons, vehicles, cute big breasted girls, hearts, swords, ammo boxes, shields, spaceships, dragons etc.). You know these boxes, which play a music and suddenly pop up and something toylike jumps out?
MAybe that stuff could fly like the material in a "milch straße", less like a fontain. Than it´s more magical. I mean if the stuff comes out of the box and then flies from left to the right on the higher free space in that layout.

Mpde entry is interesting. But the font should be more unique. Looks to me like a common cartoon font and that makes it look a little cheap.

Micheal Schwarz entry looks beautyful just because it is ... "gesperrt" very well. Not bad. The Acknex is really written very well. Did you do the spacing youself?

Thunders entry is a good idea but I think ACKNEX written in capitals looks better as Acknex. But maybe this is just because Michael Schwarz ACKNEX looks so good

Indeed frazzles second scribble has potential. But I am worried about the huge lightbulb in that design because a light bulb is bright and so its dominating as you can see very well in Angels design. IF you make it that big, it could steal the show and every more design would drop under the table.
