My response to Mark was meant to refute his incorrect statements and was not an attempt at getting into a flame war or to prove "quien es mas macho". Thus I will not rise (or lower) myself to the challenge of "prove this" or "show that". You either believe what I have done or don't... does me no never mind either way.

To answer Prence's question directly, with a single server and nothing else, you will not get more than 20 people in before even a fast computer bogs down. With a distributed server (that is to say all server-side functions are distributed across various computers), we've acheived 50 interacting connections with no loss of FPS and around 5% server resource usage. The only reason we couldn't get more is because we had 50 clients on three computers, one of which was running the server, and we couldn't load more in and got weird glitches from so many people on so few computers. If you read through our posts through the years you'll find this fact well documented: single server=about 20 clients; distributed server = much more than 20 clients.

BTW, it's unfair to pick on Locoweeds tutorial. It is just that: a tutorial, nothing more or less. It's not meant as a full feature optimzed network code much less an MMO backend. It is a way to get a newbie up to speed on how to network program with 3DGS. From there to MMO status is a long, ardous and mostly alone road since there are so few of us who have the time to pursue it.

Trust me, we are working hard at making our client public. Right now we are fighting our offices network topology which prevents us from making our servers public and thus giving a demo. But we are working towards that and once we are ready, you all will be the first to know!