Sorry guys, no screenshots this time, but good news, PreVa is about 1 month before completion (don't take me on that one, it may be longer) we are planning on it being out before christmas, the really good news is that the ai movement/attack/scan script is 100% complete, the only thing to finish is the specific mecha to add the actions to. at the moment we have one map completely finished from beginning to end (no cutscene yet) and the first cutscene of the game is completely done, as of today. Music work has started, and each song should be done after each level and cutscene, hopefully.

As for those who are enthusiastic for our first game to be released (or those who just think this project is interesting), it will be done soon. Also, we have started implementing Gafgar's code into the game (with which he will be getting full credit for), and will have an option for his explosion, or the 3d circular explosions.

For those who are just interested in Manga Page itself, our website is at . there are updates and job positions, as well as a forum, for anime fans, it still has yet to take off.

If anyone has any questions or comments, then please post them, we'll get to them as soon as we are available.

i will be posting an updated list of all the people who have contributed, in one way or another, through code, or support, as soon as i can, it's late and i need to be off to bed, so, until next time...

Last edited by Manslayer101; 09/16/07 04:47.

- aka Manslayer101