since this thread has already been acting as a sort of populace-help thread I figured I could ask this here:
I want to use MP_EntityCreate to create my player. Now that doesn't work. As soon as it gets there, it gives me an error: "Crash in MP_EntityCreate"

here's my code:

function create_player()
vec_set(temp,spawn_points[(my_player_number -1)*3 + 0]); //get station position out of array

dll_handle = multiplayer_handle;
player = MP_EntityCreate(player_mdl, temp, player_function, null);

// player = ent_create("mp_main.mdl",temp,player_function);

var vCurrWarning;

//hack to remove warnings when DLL loads, as per Conitec
vCurrWarning = warn_level;
warn_level = 1;

multiplayer_handle = dll_open("Populace.dll");
if ( multiplayer_handle != NULL ) //make sure the dll loaded
ifdef phost;
//connect locally to the multiplayer server, randomly assign to one of four teams
dll_handle = multiplayer_handle;
if (MP_ConnectServer("Host_Player", int(random(4))) == MP_NO_ERROR)
scroll_message(" -> Connected. <-");

my_player_number = 1; //if you're host, set starting values.
total_players = 1;


what reasons could there be for a "crash" in MP? usually it means the wrong amount of parameters are given etc, right? But I do give the right parameters...?

~"I never let school interfere with my education"~
-Mark Twain