First of all, we want to thank you for downloading and testing the demo. We are really eased to hear that you like it so far.

EX Citer:
You are right, the bee model is too simpel... We will make a redesign.
We will also make the standard speed a little bit faster and we will add turbo-boosts.
And yeah, the exploding stuff is missing, we try to add this in the next demo.
We thougth that it would be the best to add more detail and little jokes at the very end.

Aye, that seam-problem is really annoying.
We already had that problem in the first terrain (first post of this thread) and we spent alot of time to get them closed but with no success yet.
We already scripted a camera collision, but we'll have to finetune it a little more.

There is actually no water shader applied yet. We have some ideas, and will have to test which one is the best.
About the texture sizes: all textures are 512*512 except the blending maps (1024*1024). In a earlier stage we had all textures on 1024*1024 and the blendmaps even 2048*2048, but we thought its better to go down because we want to add so much more stuff like particles, sound, etc...

The whole level including plants, house, tree, etc... has 87'374 tri's.
We dont have any clipping or LOD-systems. All we use is mipmapping.
The terrain shader we made ourselfes. its a FFP shader with 3 Passes.

We plan a little menu where you can choose either to continue the game, go back to the main menu or exit the game.


Zwecklos & Sinnlos

Last edited by sinnlos; 01/22/07 12:12.