Freefly mode runs smooth on my superslow laptop (without installing these dlls):
384mb RAM

All who havent played here some additional info:
- no installer (thanks guys!!!) I hate installers for demos
- loading the game takes a while (after I have double clicked the exe I have waited around 30 seconds and almost nothing seems to happen)

About the demo:

Good work, here some critique:
- Bee flies too slow. Any turbo boosts or something?
- If you wouldnīt use that game as reference work, I would say nothing against the player model, because I have humor and find it funny. But if I would be a "Kunde" (what is that in english damnit), I would think, well if I want a Doom like game of some guys like Sinnlos and Zwecklos... do the Zombies look as funny as this bee? I think the bee design is a big problem if this game should be a reference model. I highly recomment to make the bee much more realistic. But of course so realistic that it still fits into the scene. If you make it a bionic bee no problem. But for now it looks like "we made it like that because itīs much more simple for us". And that wonīt sell. Itīs extreem simplyfied cartoon. Of course alot of work are put into designs like Biene Maya for example. They did alot of research how they can make the bee so most children like her. But the result looks like no work. That is a problem to use as reference if you canīt show the "Kunde" how much work was put into the design.

Well, these are the main points. Great work so far Ahhh, one more thing. I am missing the exploding barrels You know, destroying stuff and dangers. Or oozy honey in the BeeHome and maybe some little jokes here and there...

EDIT: *I remember: customer = Kunde... doesnt sound that polite in english. Hope thatīs correct.
