Newton works just as good as it used too, I use it with A6.5. I went through the Newton forums. There ARE a few (1 or 2) people creating a .dll wrapper for the newton plugin. I wouldn't wait for it though. I will most likely be a while, if they don't give up on it that is...

The only thing I had to do to get newton to work correctly, is under the Newton.dll, change this:


NewtonSetUnitSystem (QUANT_IS_INCH);
NewtonSetUnitSystem (0.026);

The main problem I am having with Newton, is that it is not "Polygon Precise" with model entities. Such as for putting a basketball through a moving hoop. I am still trying to find a way to work arround this. I might be able to use pre-compiled map-entities. IDK...

- Programmer