
You have to provide some other reasoning for assuming erets is referring to the earth in its entirety besides, "I believe that's what it means."

Yeah, like, why don't you just buy yourself a book on Ancient Hebrew and check it out yourself. I'm actually not making these things up. Apart from that, read my previous reply again please, because I wasn't saying what you've stated I had said. I've said they clearly meant 'land', as in earth below your feet.


I'm not calling polytheism stupid. I'm calling a person stupid who believes in multiple gods when one God claims to be the true God.

Yeah, but still, why the heck would that be stupid?! In polytheistic religions it's a constant battle between the Gods actually, not so much as in real fighting mostly, but definately in status.

Man, you should read up on some literature about for example South-East Asian religions sometime. In their religions there are whole stories, legends and myths about one God messing around with another God, turning it into something not so nice, pissing off one of the greater Gods because it was done without permission and so on and so forth. Some inscriptions even mention Gods claiming to be the number one God stating the others are pathetic non-god losers and weak ...

I'm not saying I myself believe in Asian religion, but as we've just discovered you are infact narrow minded when it comes to what's written in a book.


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