
Besides that, if there is no earth, where do you put the man?

Well, obviously you don't even need an earth for a man to exist. A God would be able to create in any order they'd wish anyway, right?

Besides, some things would perhaps make some vague sense physically speaking even if in a different order such as 'created light -> created earth' OR 'created earth -> created light'. It's still a contradiction though if lateron or previously there has been a statement about it in a different order.


You don't have to assume anything!

No, just follow blindly and you'll be fine. Come on, you can't ignore socalled facts being in a different order. In this case it's a legit question. If something is said to you a second time, different then the first then you can think two things. 1.) Ow, what has been said previously was wrong. 2.) I think they've made an error, because I've read before ... etc. So again, it's legit.


They're looking for ways to be confused by the text.

I don't need to look for them, they're all over the place, starting on the first page the text(s) begin.


If mal'ach means angel, how can it also refer to God? Because context determines meaning. So therefore, I would maybe examine the way you're looking at the text.

While for the point I was trying to make it wasn't really about what it stands for, it was moreso about the fact that plurals had been used.

I came to the same conclusion as you just did; If mal'ach means angel, how can it also refer to God? That's confusing indeed, especially when Angels are not supposed to be Gods and Gods are not supposed to be Angels. I guess in this case we're both biased,


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