Some months ago someone posted here a thread about bible self-contradictions, and Dan Silverman did his best to explain them away. However, maybe they are not meant to be explained away. What if they were intentionally placed in the bible, for a purpose?

Just like a good novel the bible begins right with a mystery. Genesis 1 describes how the Gods created the world step by step in the following order:

Light -> Heaven -> Earth & Seas -> Plants -> Water Animals -> Land Animals -> Men & Women.

Right on the next page, there's a different creation story. It's only one God this time, who created the world in this order:

Earth & Heavens -> Man -> Plants -> Animals -> Woman

Obviously, Man was now created earlier. Plants, animals, and a woman were created to serve the already existing Man. However in the first story they were originally created to please the Gods, who agreed after every creation step that they did "good".

Is it possible that the editor of the bible didn't notice this apparent contradiction? Hardly. So we have to assume that it was intentionally planted to transmit a hidden message to the reader. But what message? When we look closely at the first creation story, we notice the following:

1. It's not one god but a pantheon that created the world. (This part was censored from your King James Bible, but the original text uses the word 'elohim' which is plural). This is not a Christian belief, as the Lord forbids to believe in other Gods.

2. The description of the heaven - a vault with water above it - was exactly the Babylonian world view, which in turn had roots in cuneiform writings of the Sumerians from 1500 years earlier. So we have an essential heathen creation story here.

3. The order of creation - from the simple to the complex, starting with light - mimics the Big Bang and Evolution Theory. In fact Darwin could have got his ideas from the bible. However, evolution is also seen as non-Christian by some, otherwise the US fundamentalists weren't so scared of it.

So we have to conclude: more than 2500 years ago someone smuggled a heathen, evolutionist text to the very beginning of the bible! He even led our attention to it by putting standing out contradictions next to it. The question is now: what did he want to tell us? Is Evil everywhere?

Or might there be another explanation?