Hmmm, well, I am using a 5 year old 2Ghz Dell with a gig of RAM, GeForce MX-400 with 64mb, drivers are the absolute latest, plenty o' disk space. I only noticed this on the one model, but I guess it's time to blow the dust off the old wallet again for an upgrade.

I went to File >> Preferences in MED, and selectected the latest GXLxxx driver, and no more wierd points, but now there is no solid view in the 3D window, no shading, just wireframe, no matter what options I select.

I will have to try a re-install of the O/S and everything over the holidays, just 'cause I'm so darn cheap! Otherwise, I hope Santa's wife has something for me under the tree this year that hums...

Thanks Towelie

People who live in glass houses shouldn't vacuum naked.